
UCI Institute and Museum of California Art

Institute and Museum of California Art Everything in our world begins with life. And life is interconnected. For most of us, a healthy mind requires a healthy body, which in turn requires a healthy world. With our brains and physical beings menaced by devastating diseases and global temperatures rising, innovative biology has never been more […]

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Center for Psychology and Law

To support the Center for Psychology and Law.

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Neurosurgery Excellence

To reach new levels of excellence in neurosugery at UCI, by investing in equipment, training, fellowships, research or other areas.

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Neurological Tumor Research and Education

To support research and education being conducted in neurological tumors.

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Neurological Oncology Programs

To advance clinical trials, clinical care and research of brain and spinal cord tumors within the Neurological Oncology Programs.

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Kathleen Cavanagh Moore & Dr. Dale Di Stefano Multiple Sclerosis Research

To assess disease activity and progression in Multiple Sclerosis.

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Joseph Smeeding Brain Cancer Research Endowed Fund

To support neuro-oncology brain cancer research, including clinical trials, clinical care and education.

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IBMPFD Myopathy Paget & Dementia Research

To support research in the areas of myopathy, paget and dementia in UCI’s Department of Pediatrics.

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Huntington’s Disease Research

To elevate research and clinical programs for Huntington’s disease at UCI.

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Center for the Neurobiology of Learning and Memory

Center for the Neurobiology of Learning and Memory Center for the Neurobiology of Learning and Memory Memory is the sum of who we are. It stretches our consciousness over a lifetime and allows us to enjoy meaningful lives. It enables us to learn from our mistakes and plan for our futures. It chronicles the history […]

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