
Joan Irvine Smith Memory Fund

In honoring memory of Joan Irvine Smith for the benefit of the Institute and Museum of California Art at UCI

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Precision Health through Directed AI Fund

To provide a UCI-wide platform of cross-disciplinary teams dedicated to solving specific health needs using new technology, individual health data and clinical and research expertise empowered by artificial intelligence.

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UCI Esports

To elevate the activities and programming of UCI’s Esports.

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Money, Technology & Financial Inclusion

To support research and programming within the Institute for Money, Technology and Financial Inclusion.

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Blockchain at UCI

To support blockchain education, development and networking at UCI and surrounding areas.

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Metropolitan Futures Initiative

To support all programming and activities related to the Metropolitan Futures Initiative program.

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Physical Sciences Faculty Innovation Fund

To offer faculty awards for research in the School of Physical Sciences, as determined by the dean.

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Physical Sciences – Dean’s Excellence Fund

To support activities in the School of Physical Sciences, as determined by the dean.

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Arnold Starr Lecture Endowment

To support the annual, public Arnold Starr Lecture in neuroscience, technology and creativity.

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UCI Intellectual Property, Arts and Technology Clinic

To help students in the UCI Intellectual Property, Arts and Technology Clinic protect civil liberties and support innovation in the digital age, with a special emphasis on freedom of expression.

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