
Leveraging Inspiring Futures Through Educational Degrees

To support the Leveraging Inspiring Futures Through Educational Degrees (LIFTED) initiative, which enables incarcerated individuals to earn bachelor’s degrees from UCI. Funds will be used to provide educational materials needed for course work.

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Materials Science and Engineering

To support activities of the Material Sciences and Engineering Department within the School of Engineering

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Truth, Racial Healing & Transformation (TRHT) Center

To support the expenses for the TRHT Center; including operations, research, student outreach programs, and other items in support of the center’s mission.

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World Institute for Sustainable Development of Materials

To advance interdisciplinary research and education around sustainable development of materials

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COVID-19 Research Innovation Fund

To accelerate research efforts to develop diagnostic tests and vaccines for COVID-19, among other related high-impact work.

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UCI Emergency Response Fund

To provide UCI with the flexibility to respond quickly to the most pressing and emerging needs, such as student support, research and patient care.

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Center for Healthspan Sciences

To support Center for Healthspan Sciences.

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Joan Irvine Smith Memory Fund

In honoring memory of Joan Irvine Smith for the benefit of the Institute and Museum of California Art at UCI

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Precision Health through Directed AI Fund

To provide a UCI-wide platform of cross-disciplinary teams dedicated to solving specific health needs using new technology, individual health data and clinical and research expertise empowered by artificial intelligence.

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UCI Esports

To elevate the activities and programming of UCI’s Esports.

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