
Ralph J. and Carol M. Cicerone Chair in Earth System Science

To support the teaching, research and service activities of the Ralph J. and Carol M. Cicerone Chair in Earth System chair holder.

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Physical Sciences Faculty Innovation Fund

To offer faculty awards for research in the School of Physical Sciences, as determined by the dean.

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Physical Sciences – Dean’s Excellence Fund

To support activities in the School of Physical Sciences, as determined by the dean.

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To support the Mathcounts event, an event that provides mathematics department faculty and graduate students the opportunity for outreach with middle schools in the community.

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Gary McCue Chair and Fellowship in Cosmology

To further research efforts of the administrative term chair in the Center for Cosmology within the Department of Physics & Astronomy.

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Department of Physics and Astronomy

To support programming and activities of the Department of Physics and Astronomy.

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Cancer Fund

To support various essential aspects of the cancer center, including research initiatives, outstanding faculty recruitment, new idea exploration and discovery.

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Terri M. Fraser Endowed Fund for Glioblastoma Research

To forward glioblastoma research in neuro-oncology in the Department of Neurology currently being conducted by Dr. Daniela Bota.

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Ronald Gilbert, M.D. Memorial Fund

To promote professional development for faculty and physicians at UCI; gifts also help support activites such as the Orange County Urological Society meetings, guest lectures and more.

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Research Associates

To support the Annual Achievement Award for the School of Medicine faculty.

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