
Robert Gentry Endowed Scholarship

To provide financial assistance to parents and new students attending UCI’s Summer Orientation Programs.

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Regents’ Scholarships

To provide financial support to undergraduate students designated as Regents’ Scholars.

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Medellas Endowed Scholarship

To support senior students at UCI who are planning to pursue careers in medicine, law or dentistry.

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John Ichiro Yasuda Endowed Student Award

To support an annual student award to a UCI student with financial need in good academic standing and working on campus part-time in a computer programming or computer-related area.

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Financial Aid Scholarships

To provide need-based financial support to undergraduate students.

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Daniel G. and Jean Aldrich Endowed Scholarship

To provide undergraduate student support to some of the most qualified students at UCI.

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Chancellor’s Excellence Scholarship

To provide financial support to undergraduate students designated as Chancellor’s Excellence Scholars.

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Bridging The Gap Military Student Scholarship

To help bridge the gap between the limits of G.I. benefits and the actual cost of a student veteran’s education.

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To support the UCI DREAMers program for emergency funds and scholarships for UCI DREAMer students.

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UCI FRESH Basic Needs

To support UCI FRESH Basic Needs Hub services, such as pantry food, emergency meals swipes and emergency grants.

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