Beall Applied Innovation

UCI’s cutting-edge research holds the potential to improve and save lives. UCI Beall Applied Innovation ensures that the most impactful, life-enhancing discoveries and inventions are transferred to the market and into the hands of the people who need it most. At last count, UCI had supported the development of nearly 1,000 inventions and managed the issuance of more than 800 U.S. patents.

Grace Han
Director of Development

Funding Priorities


Proof of Product is a gap funding resource for UC Irvine researchers seeking to validate the commercial potential of technologies and research discoveries. Researchers can apply for up to $100,000 in funding for customer discovery efforts, feasibility studies, market prototype development, and other crucial phases of commercial validation. Through commercial validation, researchers improve the chances of securing additional funding from investors and venture capitalists, as well as improve marketability with industry partners and other pathways to positive impact.


RTG fellowships offer UCI science, medicine and engineering graduate student researchers a hands-on introduction to technology evaluation and intellectual property management. Fellows contribute to RTG technology assessments, prior art searches and market research for UCI inventions. Funds raised will provide stipends for graduate fellows, enhanced program workshops, educational events, travel to business conferences with Applied Innovation staff and program management costs.


The Wayfinder incubator program gets startups investor-ready with expert guidance, labs, office space, workshops, networking events and, ultimately, introductions to investors. This endowment will fund grants in varying amounts to startups as they enter the Wayfinder program — exponentially increasing the number of companies gaining traction, and reducing the time to secure subsequent rounds of funding from angel and venture investors.


Research and public service are two of the fundamental missions of the University of California. Research leads to economic growth through the creation of new products, technologies, jobs, companies and even new industries. The University of California performs a public service by translating scientific discoveries into practical knowledge and innovations that benefit California and the world. Born in California is a series of events where UCI will provide a platform to gather the best startups from the UC system and fund the most promising teams.

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