Gerald D. Weinstein Dermatology

Gerald D. Weinstein Dermatology

To elevate dermatology research, clinical programs and activities.


To help hematologic oncologists provide expert consultation and treatment for patients with many different types of cancer.
Huntington's Disease Research

Huntington’s Disease Research

To elevate research and clinical programs for Huntington’s disease at UCI.
Jerome Tobis Lectureship in Healthcare Ethics

Jerome Tobis Lectureship in Healthcare Ethics

To further medical ethics education, discussion, research and community outreach.
Otolaryngology - Head & Neck Surgery Research

Otolaryngology – Head & Neck Surgery Research

To further research endeavors within the Department of Otolaryngology.


To support clinical care, education and research in the Division of Rheumatology.
Steinert Glioblastoma Research

Steinert Glioblastoma Research

To support glioblastoma research.
Terri M. Fraser Endowed Fund for Glioblastoma Research

Terri M. Fraser Endowed Fund for Glioblastoma Research

To forward glioblastoma research in neuro-oncology in the Department of Neurology currently being conducted by Dr. Daniela Bota.
Urologic and Retroperitoneal Cancer Research Fund

Urologic and Retroperitoneal Cancer Research Fund

To support research in the area of urologic and retroperitoneal cancer research in the Department of Urology.
UCI Observatory

UCI Observatory

To support all programming and activities of the UCI Observatory.
CLS Peer Mentoring Award

CLS Peer Mentoring Award

To support the Criminology, Law and Society Peer Mentoring Award.
Town & Gown Scholarship

Town & Gown Scholarship

To support students who have experienced a five year break in their educational careers.